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trading are profitable

Betfair trading is profitable. Not only are all professional traders attested to this fact, you can also check out the forums of members of the Betfair trading community and chat with the many people who are making money trading at Betfair.

What’s really great is that most of the people who trade and profit with Betfair have no trading knowledge to begin with! Nor is it a special skill that only a few people are smart enough to learn, as anyone who trades with us attests, any Tom, Dick and Harry can make money with a Betfair deal.

Betfair trading is like a financial investment, essentially investing in the sports market and trying to predict where the resulting price will go. We don’t invest in the stock market, we invest in sports. For example, if we think Manchester United will win a football game against Arsenal, we support Manchester United and intend to trade for a profit when they are 1-0 up or towards the end of the game (if they win).

The reason Betfair deals work so well is that we can evaluate deals across the game before deciding on the outcome. We will make a lot of money if we learn to “read the game” and determine how the game might end.


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