How do NBA bets work?

Your payout is determined by the moneyline odds attached to the point spread. A negative number (such as -170) shows how much money you must wager to win $100, while a positive number (like +150) shows how much money you will win if you place a $100 wager.

Odds will always be expressed with a plus sign (+) to designate the underdog and a minus sign (-) to represent the favorite.

When a team has a point spread line with a minus sign (-), it indicates that the team must win the game by a greater number of points than what is indicated in the line. With a point-spread line of 3.5, the Lakers must win the game outright or lose by three points or less to cover the spread and be graded as a win.


Miami Heat
Golden State Warriors



The numbers beside the plus and minus sign are the actual odds. This is based on bettors making wagers of $100. You don’t have to bet $100. You can bet $50 or $1,500 or $27. It’s up to you how much you want to wager.

  • Moneyline Bets on the NBA

NBA Money Line betting is the simplest and a popular form of NBA betting. With NBA money line betting you are simply picking which team will outright win the game. NBA Money Line odds will list the the favorite in a given game as a negative number that means you will have to bet that amount to win $100.

  • Point Spread Bets on the NBA

An NBA spread also known as a point spread is how many points a team can either win or lose by to win a bet. For example, if the NBA spread is (-2) your team will need to win by at least three points to win the bet.

  • Over/Under Bets on the NBA

Betting NBA over under is the easiest bet type to understand. All you are betting on is if the final combined score will be over the line or under. The sportsbook sets the line, and then you place a wager if the score will be over that number or under.

  • Parlay Bets on the NBA

An NBA parlay bet is a single NBA wager with multiple selections, each selection must-win for the bet to cash, but the odds of each selection are multiplied to offer much bigger odds.

  • Proposition Bets

are wagers on the occurrence or non-occurrence of certain events or highlights that may not directly correlate to the outcome of the game.

  • Futures Bets

NBA futures are bets made on events that will happen in time. Sure, all bets are made on happenings that have yet to occur, but futures are made weeks and months in advance of the event.

  • Live Betting

One of the fastest-growing segments in NBA betting is live betting or in-game betting. You can bet on any number of things while games are going on, including moneylines, point spreads and props.

NBA winning guide
Best Highest odds betting site in the World 2022
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Best Highest odds betting site in the World 2022
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